About US

Hi Tech Products

About Our Company

At Hi Tech we take pride in being a leading nameplate customization business based in the vibrant city of New Delhi, India. Established in 2010, we've dedicated over a decade to crafting unique and personalized nameplates that beautifully adorn homes and businesses across the country.
Our commitment to excellence is reflected in every detail of our work. From design to delivery, we're passionate about creating nameplates that capture your vision and leave a lasting impression.
We smile with pride every time someone walks into our store excited about the great selection, and walks out satisfied. It means we’ve done our job right. 

Ever since we've founded our store , we had one goal in mind: ensuring a permanent variety of fantastic items along with unique limited edition and seasonal merchandise that fit any budget.
Get in touch with us to learn more about our store, or come on over and say hi in person!

Our Mission

Crafting Personalized Nameplates with Passion

At Hi Tech, our mission is driven by a passion for craftsmanship and self-expression. We take pride in transforming nameplates into unique works of art that reflect your personality and style. With a deep commitment to quality and creativity, we're here to help you tell your story through meticulously crafted nameplates.

Our Achievement

We Have Achieved with our Personalized Nameplates

Our mission at Hi Tech is simple yet profound: to bring a touch of elegance and individuality to every doorstep. We believe that a nameplate isn't just a label; it's a statement of identity, a symbol of pride, and an art form in its own right.

We're dedicated to helping you express yourself through our craftsmanship, providing you with nameplates that resonate with your personality and style. We aspire to be your trusted partner in making your space uniquely yours.

Our Goals

Shaping the Future of Personalized Nameplates

At HI Tech, we're not content with resting on our laurels. Our vision propels us forward with a commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. Our goals encompass the following: